List of common API errors you might encounter.
1. Type: The Path is Blocked
Error code: 403
Description: Response returned if path is blocked.
"meta": {
"httpCode": 403,
"developerMessage": "This URL *** is blocked.
"success": false
What to do: Get in touch with our Support team and let us know what you are trying to achieve/describe your use case. If possible, we will enable the API for you.
2. Type: Invalid API Key
Error code: 401
Description: Invalid API key
"meta": {
"httpCode": 404,
"developerMessage": "Invalid api_key or token expired",
"success": false
3. Type: Usage Limit
Error code: 400
Description: Endpoint calls limits has been exceeded.
"meta": {
"httpCode": 400,
"developerMessage": "You have exceeded the limit of 1 request every * seconds. Try again later.",
"success": false
4. Type: Internal Server Error
Error code: 500
Description: Unknown system error.
"meta": {
"httpCode": 500,
"developerMessage": "Internal server error",
"success": false
The application may restart every 24h at a time that cannot be scheduled and take up to 10 minutes max.